How the effect of long channel scan and collision in ranging process during scanning to ranging steps in network entry is managed? One method is by 'reduce scanning time' and another one is 'optimization of ranging process'.
Reducing scanning time approaches have had success in reduce a number of channels to scan so that fast scanning is achieved while optimization of ranging process approaches was appealing in term of optimizing the connection probability and average connection delay.
Other approaches also exist such as to upgrade the IEEE 802.16 protocol performance regarding the delay during subscriber network entry process, analyzing the collision probability and analytical modeling of network entry process.
Most of the approaches are primarily focused on modification of scanning and ranging procedure. All of these approaches correspond to the IEEE 802.16 standard but most of them are not easily implemented and ignored the ability of WiMAX system parameter setting. Most of them also not considered to implicate with better communication system's QoS for WiMAX network.
The overview of these approaches has shown that while they may be relevant for the associated environments, they do not provide solutions that could help in both process of scanning and ranging in WiMAX network entry. The question is, what is the appropriate technique that can be used to relate the specified process of scanning to ranging in network entry that can deal with the problem of long channel scanning and collision in ranging process?
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