Monday, May 10, 2010

Module Includes

To help high level script users deal with the large number of include files present in the system, we group includes according to relatively large modules. A single include file are provided that will recursively load all of the include files used in each modules. It give you the ability to load a group of files at large granularity. This is not the most efficient approach but it certainly makes writing scripts much easier.

-ns-3 Tutorial

Saturday, May 8, 2010

CamelCase convention

Name encoding in ns-3 should follow the CamelCase convention where words are joined without spaces and are capitalized. For example: "My computer" is transformed into MyComputer. Do not use all capital letters such as MAC or PHY, but choose instead Mac or Phy. A goal of CamelCase convention is to ensure that the words which make up a name can be separated by the eye.

Variable names should follow a slight variation on the base CamelCase convention: camelBack. For example, the variable "user name" would be named "userName". This variation on the basic naming pattern is used to allow a reader to distinguish a variable name from its type. For example, "UserName userName;" would be used to declare a variable named userName of type UserName.
