Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tweaking ns-3

ns-3 Tweaking?

You can choose one from this option:

1. Using the Logging Module
2. Using Command Line Arguments
3. Using the Tracing System

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ns-3 environment setup - python


- Python is a general purpose high level programming language. It support multiple programming paradigm as object-oriented programming.

Python features:

- Fully dynamic type system.
- Automatic memory management as Perl, Ruby, Scheme and Tcl.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

ns-3 object aggregation


Coupling between models hinders software reuse in different configurations.
-must intrusively edit the base class for this
-or, leads to C++ downcasting
-know as the C++ "weak base class" problem

So, what is base class?

It is a class that had no superclass and usually at base of tree of subclasses.

ns-3 solution: an object aggregation model

-object can be aggregated to other objects at run-time
-a "query interface" is provided to ask whether an particular object is aggregated
-similar in spirit to COM or Bonobo object

but keep in mind that aggregation is different from composition.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is ns-3?

ns-3 is a discrete-event simulator for internet system. It's intention is to study Internet protocols and large-scale systems in controlled environment. It will be a new simulator to replace ns-2.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

library blas

To install this package on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libblas


Monday, October 5, 2009

Downloading ns-3-wimax-release

1. The best way to downloading ns-3-wimax module is by using Mercurial. So, please install Mercurial first.

2. Type the following into your Linux shell

mkdir wimaxrepos
cd wimaxrepos
hg clone

3. Under your ~/wimaxrepos directory, type the following

./download -n iamine/ns-3-wimax-release


./ -n iamine/ns-3-wimax-release

4. You are now ready to build the ns-3 distribution.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

itpp @ IT++

1. What is itpp @ IT++?

2. Installation?

For Debian GNU/Linux package as Ubuntu, use the following command

sudo apt-get install libitpp-dev libittp-doc

3. debug configure ns-3-wimax-release

WiMAX : enabled


1. Download for LIBXML2 at

2. Extract and cd to libxml2.x.x.

3. Use the following commands:



make install

4. ./waf -d debug configure

Check for LIBXML2 : ok

Saturday, October 3, 2009

ns-3 terms

Some of the main term for ns-3 are:

1. Node

2. Application

3. Channel

4. Net Device

5. Topology Helpers

Checking for pkg-config flags for GSL : not found

Checking for pkg-config flags for GSL : not found

1. What is GSL?

2. Download GSL package and extract it.

3. Read the READ file then the INSTALL file. Use the following commands



make install

opss... need permission. so type

sudo make install

then, insert the root password. Finish installing GSL.

3. Back to ns-3-wimax folder. Debug configure again.

./waf -d debug configure


Checking for pkg-config flags for GSL : ok

ns-3-wimax installation...

1.Doing installation of ns-3-wimax-release on linux machine. Follow through the tutorial provided.

Some problem when doing regression test (something like regression trace not found I guess). So, re-download the ns-3-wimax-release with ns-3-dev-ref-traces:

./ -r ns-3-wimax-release -r ns-3-dev-ref-traces

2.Next, doing regression testing again and tests passed.

3.Just trying run some script hello-simulator and output is produced.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


WiMAX - Code contribution under review for main tree

This code is being reviewed or considered for merge to ns-3-dev.